Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's choice for VP

Wow, what a bold move! McCain's choice of Sarah Palin (AK) as his pick for VP is wonderful. A pro-life woman (her fifth child born in April this year has Down Syndrome), a traditional view of marriage, and strong on tapping in on national natural resources is a great choice. While I still think Condoleezza Rice would have been a stronger ticket, Palin is a welcome relief from the same ole - same ole routines of the past!
Glenn Beck has an excellent interview on her taped earlier this year on CNN. He says that she is the real deal.
While many will question her experience, as Beck said today, she is an under-study with McCain as a mentor ... the way it should be. On the other side you have an under-study running for President with the mentor as VP.
It will be interesting to see how things develop over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I (with many others, I am sure)had tears in my eyes as I listened to her speech. Any "normal" mom can relate to her. How exciting to have someone OUTSIDE the belt way!! And someone who actually ADDRESSED corruption and pork barrel spending - not just in talk and rhetoric but in real life deed where she made people angry and saved Alaskans money. What a novel idea!!!GO SARAH PALIN!

She sincerely needs our prayers as she steps into the pit of washingtonian vipers and the mean spirited media frenzy that has erupted. I pray she prayed LONG and hard before accepting this; it's not a place to be outside of His will! *smile*

If anyone needs angels right now it is Sarah Palin.

Can you tell I am more than excited and passionate about this pick!!! *grin*

Karen Clark